The City of East Providence is continuing with its plan to close a 2.5 mile section of the East Bay Bike Path in order to install a new sewer line from Watchemoket Cove to the Bullocks Point treatment facility. The closure will start November 1, 2011 and is expected to last 5.5 months. The… read more
RIDOT Holding Public Meeting for Pawtucket segment of Blackstone Bikeway
RIDOT will be holding an open information session on October 11th at 7PM to share information and discuss concerns brought by residents in the Taft Street and Alfred Stone Road sections related to the Blackstone Valley Bikeway routing along those roads. Community members in this area have expressed opposition to the striping and signage for… read more
Bike Commuter Numbers for 2010 released
The League of American Bicyclists released an analysis of the Census Bureau’s 2010 American Community Survey earlier this week. The last numbers I looked at, for 2008 listed Providence with 1.2% of commuters using bicycles as their primary means of transportation, so with this edition, seems to be an increase. Since the survey is… read more
2011-2012 Statewide Bike Map
RIDOT announced today the release of the 2011-2012 Statewide Bike Map. The new bike map highlights more than 50 miles of off-road bikeways across Rhode Island’s network of eight major bike paths. The map includes RIDOT’s newest bike paths such as the 2.5-mile Quonset Bike Path and the 1-mile Warren Bike Path, and new bike… read more
Detours Slated for Woonasquatucket Bike Path
The Narragansett Bay Commission(NBC) has published a notice that due to the work to begin on Sept. 25, 2011, a portion of the Woonasquatucket River Bike Path will be closed and detoured. Project is slated to run through February 2013. The closure is in order for the NBC is redirect and combine several sewer overflows… read more
New England Builders Ball!
Attention bicycle lovers! Can’t make it to the North American Handbuilt Bike Show? We’re bringing a micro-version of it to Providence! Only New England-based small builders who make bikes by hand. It’s called regional pride, people! New England Builders Ball! Come see the candy! Website/Facebook Friday, Oct. 7, 8-10 pm Grand Ballroom, Providence Biltmore, 17th… read more
URGENT: bicycle lockers need a home!
RIPTA will remove the Kennedy Plaza bike lockers this afternoon or early tomorrow. They’ve sat unused since at least 2001 – thousands or people have walked by them without even knowing what they are! RIPTA has reached out to RIBike to find a new home for them. We need to find a taker this… read more
Call to Action
Updated 9/16/2011: Transportation enhancement funding has been preserved in the 6 month funding extension passed on 9/15/2011 by a 92-6 vote. If you contacted your senators, thank you very much for helping win this one and overcome the objections of one senator. The Alliance for Biking and Walking is asking for our support This year,… read more
Let’s Have a Civil Discussion
I was out riding with my family this weekend, on a road riding towards the EBBP. At one point, we needed to pull out into the lane because cars were parked in the break down lane. I ride tail when the family is on the road and dutifully took the lane, to ensure motorists passed… read more
Saturday Group Rides
We, over at US Open Cycling Foundation, have recently been inundated with requests for group rides. So, Ok then! We have formed a club and our group rides will begin as of this Saturday (Sept. 10) at 4:00pm. The rides will be 30-40 miles in length on a mixture of predominantly public roads and some… read more
Swansea/Somerset/Warren Interstate Bike Ride, October 15th
In continuing to raise awareness for the planned South Coast Bikeway, SRPEDD will be hosting a bike ride through Swansea, Somerset and Warren on Saturday, October 15th at 10am. The ride is approximately 23 miles long and will begin and end at the Hugh Cole School at 50 Aslyum Road in Warren, with a break… read more
New England Bike-Walk Summit: Providence Biltmore, Fri Oct 7
On Thursday, October 7, 2010, the first-ever New England Bike-Walk Summit convened in downtown Providence, RI, for a day of learning and sharing. Nine breakout sessions covered the gamut of bicycle- and pedestrian-related topics including funding of bike-ped infrastructure, successful collaboration between advocates and agency personnel, and the economic development potential of biking and walking.… read more