Get Involved
RI Bike is a volunteer organization that works on behalf of YOU!
We depend on your contributions of time and support to make our vision of safe cycling in Rhode Island a reality.
Your donations support all that RI Bike does across Rhode Island.
Donations help pay for everything that RI Bike does from outreach and education to web hosting and office space, your support keeps us rolling!
The generosity of our volunteers is the strength of our organization. Bring your energy and talent to RI Bike!
Opportunities include: Bike Valet staff, Event staff or do you have a special skill or talent to lend?
Business Sponsorships are a great way to show your support. Bicycling brings dollars to neighborhoods and businesses.
RIBike is growing our leadership team!
Do you want to be part of making Rhode Island safer and more bikeable?
The Rhode Island Bicycle Coalition (RIBike) is always seeking expanding and diversifying our volunteer Board of Directors to better reflect the wide range of bicycling interests and needs throughout Rhode Island.
Want to explore joining our board? Get in touch and we’ll send you our interest form.

Why I Bike - Kelsey
I learned how to ride a bicycle when I was around 7years old. My father taught me how to ride on a red Raleigh. I lived on a very busy road and in order to gain more independence and ride further than my driveway, I picked up the skill quickly....read more