advocacy: noun the act of pleading for, espousing or recommending
RI Bike works tirelessly pleading for, espousing and recommending laws, policies and capital spending that make cycling a realistic option for commuting, errands and recreation.
We move our legislative agenda forward by developing new language for laws, cultivating sponsors in both houses of the RI General Assembly, testifying at committee hearings, mobilizing supporters and addressing legislators’ questions and concerns.
Current Bills
The Vulnerable Road Users Bill defines vulnerable road users and provides additional penalties for reckless drivers who injure or kill a vulnerable road user.
The Roadway Safety Act is an omnibus bill intended to improve safe travel for all road users. Public thoroughfares must accommodate a wide range of transportation modes and all people on the roads benefit from clarity and well-documented safety measures.
The Roadway Safety Act includes:
- the Idaho Stop which clarifies bicyclist behavior at intersections
- a provision prohibiting aggressive honking
- language that would allow municipalities to reduce speed limits on state roads in thickly settled areas of their towns
- definitions of the various types of e-bikes
- a K-12 for public school bicycle education plank
- a reckless driver accountability program for drivers with multiple moving violations.
You can have an impact and make a difference – there are many ways to participate.
Why I Bike - Alana
Biking has a big economic impact on my life. I feel like I save a lot of money by not using my car, and I think there are definitely economic benefits to better long term health! I enjoy it immensely and I’ve enjoyed planning my bike rides around completing more