My email INBOX is filling up with messages from various organizations (Rails-to-Trails, Alliance for Biking and Walking, and the League of American Cyclists) asking cyclists to voice their opinions on potential House and Senate bills. On the Senate side, they are asking advocates to encourage their representatives to Support the bipartisan Cardin-Cochan admendment. As currently… read more
Second Showing of Bicycle Dreams, Feb 22
Thanks to the generosity of the producers of the film, the Rhode Island Bicycle Coalition is hosting a second showing after a sellout at the premiere of the movie Bicycle Dreams. The showing will be Wednesday Feb. 22, 2012, 6:30PM at the Cable Car Cinema. Bicycle Dreams documents the extreme hardship endured by teams of… read more
Amendment Voted Down
Word has come down from Rails-to-Trails that: Unfortunately, by a vote of 27 to 29, the U.S. House of Representatives Transportation and Infrastructure Committee just moments ago voted down the bipartisan Petri/Johnson/Lipinski amendment that would have fixed many of the deficiencies in the House transportation bill, particularly as they relate to the Transportation Enhancements and… read more
House bill would eliminate ALL biking/walking from transportation policy!
Word is coming down from the League of American Bicycles in Washington that the House transportation bill, the American Energy and Infrastructure Act, has cut every reference to bicycling and walking out of the federal transportation policy! Clearly this shows how important some of our current legislators feel alternative modes of transportation are. If this… read more
Bicycle Dreams Providence Premiere Feb. 2, 6:30PM
Thanks to the generosity of the producers of the film, the Rhode Island Bicycle Coalition is hosting a screening of the movie Bicycle Dreams. The showing will be Thursday Feb. 2, 2012, 6:30PM at the Cable Car Cinema. Bicycle Dreams documents the extreme hardship endured by teams of cyclists competing in the annual non-stop Race Across… read more
Planning Meeting for Elmwood Ave, Jan 11th
UPDATE: Please note that the date has changed to January 11, 2012, 6PM. The Elmwood Neighborhood Association has sent out a notice of an upcoming public planning meeting to discuss the remainder of the Elmwood repaving project. For more information about the recent activities and some commentary on the current status, be sure to click… read more
Broadway Bike Lanes Completed in Providence
The City of Providence has finally completed the long awaited Broadway Bike Lanes. Announced in 2008 as coming soon, and rumors of imminent milling and repaving, 2011 sees the city complete its current bike plan with the installation of this lane, adding 2 lane miles to the city’s inventory. Below are photos taken during a… read more
George Redman Honored @ State House
George Redman was honored on Nov. 29, 2011 by Governor Chafee, Chairman Melo, family, friends and recreational path users for his selfless quest to have the East Bay Bike Path built. According to son Paul, the 87-year old would be out on the path more frequently if his health and family allowed. As it is… read more
Light Up The Night Improves Rider Visibility
On Tuesday, November 1st, 2011, volunteers for RIBIKE, for the second year running, spread out to 3 locations across the City of Providence to equip bicycles with front and rear blinky lights. By partnering with Legend Bicycles and Planet Bike, we were able to get 100 front and rear blinky safety lights to be installed… read more
EBBP Closure – Northern Section
We are getting reports that barrels are up blocking the East Bay Bike Path and cyclists are being told to turn around if they ride past them. The sewer project has officially started on the bike path. Unfortunately, it appears that East Providence is concurrently ripping up the portion of Veteran’s Parkway near where the… read more
George Redman to be Honored
A commemorative event for renaming the Washington Bridge, The George Redman Linear Park is getting better all the time. We have confirmed that the event will be November 29th, 2 pm at the State Room of the State House. You should start to see flyers for this event in the near future. In the mean… read more
Transportation Enhancements Under Attack Again
From the Alliance for Biking and Walking Please Contact your Senators Again Today to Save Bicycle and Pedestrian Funding It’s happening again. Just one month ago, Sen. Coburn (R-OK) failed in his efforts to strip funding for Transportation Enhancements from the six-month transportation extension. Now, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is taking the lead in trying… read more