Practice your skills at our Traffic Garden!
Are you new to cycling? Unsure about riding on the road? Want to evaluate your child’s skills in a safe environment? Just need a bit of instruction? Practice cycling skills on a closed course with real world conditions. Drop into RI Bike’s free Traffic Garden at the West End Community Center any time Saturdays 10… read more
Action Speaks at AS220 Wednesday Oct. 10 5:30
Come out to talk about how bicycles fit in to the transportation mix and enhance the meaning of freedom and mobility. Begun in 1995, Action Speaks is a radio-show series of contemporary topic- driven panel discussions framed by the theme “Underappreciated Dates that Changed America.” Action Speaks in 2012 looks at underappreciated 20th-century moments when… read more
Ten Simple Rules for Successfully Sharing the Road
When riding on public roads 1. Follow the rules for cars: Stop at Stop signs Signal your intended direction Turn left from the rightmost lane travelling in the direction you intend to go (that means use turn lanes; don’t turn left across traffic going in your direction) 2. Ride 2-3 feet from the curbing or… read more
New England Bike-Walk Summit: time running down!
With the conference on Friday, time is running down to register! This is our region’s premier conference on bike and ped issues, and it’s right here in downtown Providence. Click here to download the current program. Top-notch sessions, presenters, guest speakers, exhibits, posters, and more. Don’t miss out! Scholarships still available to students and interns… read more
Thinking about helmets…
Sad news in the Providence Journal, yesterday, about a gentleman, father of two, who fell off his bicycle and died two days later of a brain hemorrhage. I am always amazed – and saddened – that, while many parents enforce a helmet use policy for their children, they eschew them for their own use. When I… read more
Is it time to let go of “Share the Road” and move towards “Take the Lane?”
Here is a thought-provoking, real-life article that – I think – points to the necessity of cyclists being “courteously assertive” when it comes to claiming our space on the roads. Never – think I – should a cyclist be flattened because they were doing their best to share the road. Simply put, if the lane… read more
Listen to Your Bike
We don’t post a lot of commuter tips on this blog, perhaps it would be good communal goal to do so in 2010! Here’s a start… I was heading for home on Friday, when I picked up a piece of glass in my rear tire. I was on a tight schedule and was heading for… read more