We ended up with the wrong room number. If you are planning to show up and testify, the correct room number is 205.
Vulnerable Roadway User Bill (H5865) Hearing Time & Place
The House Judiciary Committee will hear the Vulnerable Roadway User Bill (H5865) Wednesday (3/30) at the RI State House in room 205 @ sometime after 4pm. If you plan to show up for the hearing, please make sure you get there around 4pm and that you sign up to speak at the hearing.
George Washington Bridge Update
Update from RIDOT about the upcoming work on the George Washington Bridge (George Redman Linear Park): RIDOT’s Bridge Engineering section is in the process of creating an advertising package for the test contract. In December 2010, the Bridge Engineering section was directed to conduct a “Test” contract on one span to see if we can effectively control… read more
Vulnerable Roadway Bill Introduced in Senate
Thanks to Senators Sosnowski, Tassoni, Lanzi, and Lynch a version of the vulnerable roadway users bill has also been introduced in the Senate (S0669). This bill has been referred to senate judiciary, but does not yet have a hearing scheduled. In particular, it states: any person, while operating a motor vehicle on a street or… read more
Vulnerable Roadway User Bill (H5865) Hearing Scheduled
According to an update posted on the H5865 legislative status page, the vulnerable roadway user bill is scheduled for a hearing on 3/30/2011. We don’t know a time yet, but please pencil in this day on your calendars. Once we have a time, we will send out another update. People will need to come out… read more
“vulnerable road user” bill filed in RI
At our request Representative Joe McNamara (D-Warwick) has filed H5865 which increases the penalties if a “reckless” driver seriously injures or kills a vulnerable road user, which includes bicyclists, pedestrians, wheelchair users, highway workers, skateboarders, those driving animals or ag equipment. The bill was assigned to House Judiciary , the Committee that last year approved… read more
A DOT “cozy” with bike advocates? If only…
New Yorkers with ties to a former transportation commissioner and Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer’s wife are suing New York City for a bike lane they say decreased safety on a street through a wealthy Brooklyn neighborhood. In the lawsuit filed yesterday in the State Supreme Court in Brooklyn, the New Yorkers allege that the city’s… read more
RIBike Night @ RI VeloSprints
Join RIBike and US Open Cycling at EMS this Wednesday night @ 6pm for a night of head to head spinning. This is a great chance to come out in support of US Open Cycling and learn about RIBike’s mission and current projects. We need to hear from you! What are your big areas of… read more
MapQuest Adds Cycling and Pedestrian Directions
MapQuest posted on their blog today that Due to popular demand – and our desire for options – we’ve just released worldwide pedestrian and bicycle routing on all of our open.mapquest.* sites along with domestic transit routing on our Open.MapQuest.com site! The bicycle and pedestrian routing is wholly based on OpenStreetMap data – if it’s… read more
Removing Roads and Traffic Lights
I just happened upon an interesting article published in Scientific America. A mathematician in the 1960’s, Dietrich Braess, discovered a paradox: in a network in which all the moving entities rationally seek the most efficient route, adding extra capacity can actually reduce the network’s overall efficiency A real life test of this paradox played out… read more
Is it time to let go of “Share the Road” and move towards “Take the Lane?”
Here is a thought-provoking, real-life article that – I think – points to the necessity of cyclists being “courteously assertive” when it comes to claiming our space on the roads. Never – think I – should a cyclist be flattened because they were doing their best to share the road. Simply put, if the lane… read more
30 YEARS to achieve a reduction of 11 injuries!!
The reaction in the Netherlands to the bicycle accident reminded me of comments I provided on behalf of the Providence Bicycle Coalition a couple years ago. The comments refer to the state’s long-term transportation plan, which it must develop periodically in order to retain eligibility for federal funding. Sorry to say — very little has… read more