The last time we posted something about the Broadway bike lanes, it looked as though the project was right around the corner. Fast forward 18 months, and still no bike lanes or sharrows. Wha’ happened?
City engineering, via city planning, explains it thusly:
When the project was bid the first time – the low bidder was not qualified/non-responsive. There was a few months of discussion between City DPW and legal and RIDOT on how to handle this. It was then decided to rebid which took additional time. The second bid resulted in award of the project in November of this year. At that point it is too cold to construct sidewalks – delaying paving until next spring. Overhead signal improvements should start later in the winter.
In other words, construction will begin one it’s warm enough to pour concrete. Assuming no more “issues” with the contractor, we’ll be enjoying a smooth new Broadway before 2011’s Bike to Work Day.