Dina Morrissey of Rhode Island Hospital’s Injury Prevention Center is asking for volunteers to assist with 3 bike safety programs the center will be conducting at local Kohl’s stores during the month of May for Bike Month. If you believe that you have the time and expertise to help conduct bike safety rodeas for children or assist with performing safety checks, please contact Dina. I have already recommended that they seek out LAB certified instructors, however Dina indicated they do not have budget to pay professional instructors.
Dina indicates that the intention is to have kids ride a course, teach hand signals and road rules/traffic laws. For the safety checks, they’re hoping for a quick check for obvious items needing repair and not any repairs onsite at the programs, but to recommend service for items that should be taken care of by a mechanic or bike shop.
Below is the text of her original message:
My name is Dina Morrissey and I am the program coordinator at the Injury Prevention Center at Rhode Island Hospital. For bike safety month (May) we are planning to hold 3 bike safety rodeos aimed at young children. We are looking for people with expertise in biking and bike safety to help us out and I was wondering if you may be interested. We are also hoping to be able to do some very simple bike safety checks at these events and we were looking for someone who might be able to do this. The dates for the rodeos are as follows:Saturday, May 7th at Kohl’s in Warwick
Saturday, May 14th at Kohl’s in Seekonk
Saturday, May 21st at Kohl’s in Smithfield.All are from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. Please let me know if you are interested in helping us out.
Thank you,
Dina Morrissey, M.D., M.P.H.
Program Coordinator
Injury Prevention Center
Rhode Island Hospital
55 Claverick Street, 2nd Floor
Providence, RI 02903
Tel: 401-444-5018 Fax: 401-444-2249
Emial: dmorrissey@lifespan.org