Our neighbors to the North have once again surpassed us. They are holding a bicycle and pedestrian conference in mid-October:
Moving Together 2008. Bicycling and walking are becoming increasingly visible and important across the country as well as across the Commonwealth. Our invited keynote speaker, Gabe Rousseau, Ph.D, National Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Manager for the Federal Highway Administration, will provide his timely perspective on current initiatives and trends. Based in Washington DC, Rousseau draws upon his extensive experience with the Federal government as well as work with the States. Moving Together’s workshops and exhibits feature up-to-date information that help you to improve bicycling and walking conditions locally, regionally and statewide.
The $40 conference registration fee includes a continental breakfast, refreshments, lunch, and conference materials. For registration information contact: Baystate Roads Program, tel: (413) 545-2604, or register on-line. Please note that registration is limited, so register early to secure your place.
Sue Barker suggests we might want to consider joining together for a group ride to the event, any takers?