This coming Saturday, Recycle-a-Bike is gathering for their first moving day. We received the following request: We are looking for 12-15 volunteers to help us take down our shed. The day will be broken into two shifts, 8am – noon and 1-5. We’re looking for people to help out either in the morning or afternoon.… read more
Breathing Slightly Easier
Word on the street from Washington, D.C. is that for the time being, biking and walking have been spared from the congressional chopping block: Of the nearly 600 amendments to the 2011 House budget bill (HR1), biking and walking, Transportation Enhancements and Safe Routes to School were not singled out to be cut. It’s an… read more
What’s Wrong with Johnston?
Several bike related issues came up at yesterday’s Environment Council’s roundtable with RIDOT Director Mike Lewis. One agenda item was an update on earmarks, special Federal funds that are paying for most of our state’s bike projects, but are threatened by the new Congress. According to a December 2010 update, one of the largest remaining… read more
Get Ready to Act
I’m hearing from many different sources that this week may well be a pivitol week for bicycle and pedestrian funding. Advocates in Washington D.C. feel that Congress may well be voting on federal budget cuts which could target biking and walking funds. If such a vote comes up, the various organizations are asking that each… read more
New Pavement Marking
Pop quiz: Does anyone know what the marking to the left is? Starting last Fall, I began seeing these pop up all over the East Side of Providence. The motorists clearly don’t know what they mean, do you?
Sharrows – Need Careful Implementation
The next version of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) is due out really soon now. The MUTCD defines the standards used by road managers nationwide. The next release will include sharrows, which we’ve talked about both online and in our monthly meetings. They appear to be an attractive marking for older cities… read more
What Does “Share the Road” Mean?
I’m putting on my flack jacket in preparation for the inevitable onslaught of comments this post will encourage… Eden from Team Estrogen posted the following creeds: As a cyclist… I will ride predictably and follow the rules of the road. I won’t block your way without reason. I will ride to the right when it… read more
New Three Foot Ammendment
Representative Joseph M. McNamara has introduced H5096, which is intended to amend section 31-18-8. Due care by drivers to include: In addition, the driver of a vehicle overtaking a bicycle or other human-powered vehicle must pass the bicycle or other human-powered vehicle at a safe distance of not less than three feet (3’) between the… read more
Take a Stand for Bicycling
The people over at People for Bikes, an initiative of Bikes Belong, have an email campaign going on right now. They are encouraging every cyclist to spend just a couple of minutes and email your representatives, reminding them that there are MANY people who feel bicycles and bicycle infrastructure are important. They even make the… read more
VeloSprints College Series Begins Monday Night. Win a New Fixie!
Announcing the 2011 VeloSprints College Series. $10 with a valid college ID lets you ride all night and pick your best result. $15 w/o a valid ID. Come! Race! Help a great cause! Win a new fixie! More information here.
Public Hearing – East Providence Wastewater Facility Upgrades
We just received notification from the City of East Providence of a public hearing tomorrow (January 20th) @ 7pm, to: present the City of East Providence’s proposed wastewater improvement project to eliminate sewage overflows. The project involves the installation of a new sewer force main pipe along the East Bay Bike Path… You can read… read more
RI VeloSprints Fundraising Series Resumes Wednesday Evening in Cranston!
It has been a couple of weeks(Old Man Winter and all) but RI VeloSprints will be in its non-pub venue of Eastern Mountain Sports on Sockanosset Cross Road in Cranston tomorrow night beginning at 7:00pm. If you love to ride and want to turn that passion into a force for good in your community, but you’d… read more