I sent a question about traffic-light sensors into “Ask RIDOT” a while back and just happened to notice they answered it. The bottom line appears to be:
RIDOT does not currently use bicycle detection at signalized intersections. The Department has not researched the operation and efficiency of these detection systems yet. That does not mean, however, that we are opposed to installing them.
I’m still curious whether it’s significantly more expensive to install these newer sensors, as repairs are completed. RIDOT’s suggestion for how to get around the problem:
In the meantime, we recommend using the push button provided for pedestrian crossings at signalized intersections. This is a much safer alternative than proceeding through a red light.
is completely ridiculous. Perhaps we could legally require motorists, waiting to turn left at an arrowed intersection, to get out of the car and run around it until the light changes for them. This would make about as much sense as trying to trip a light, moving over to the pedestrian area, pushing the button, and then moving back into the travel lane. I’ve got a lovely intersection on my way home, where it would be far more dangerous for me to try and get over to the pedestrian crossing light, than it is to turn left through a red arrow. I’d be happy to take a ride with someone from RIDOT and show them how challenging this would be.
Sorry RIDOT, but I’d still prefer a roadway that works for my vehicle.