RIDOT published their list of projects to be funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This list includes the following bike related projects:
- Westminster St. Streetscape from I-95 Service Road No. 7 to Olneyville
Square/Manton Ave./Plainfield St. (1.3 miles), which includes sidewalks,
crosswalks, bicycle lanes, street trees and street lighting. (Providence) - Repair sidewalks on Washington St. from Empire St. to Eddy St. and
Westminster St. from Empire St. to 100 feet east of Mathewson St. (0.3 miles). Includes landscaping and installation of bike racks. (Providence)
Anyone else notice the Washington Bridge Pedestrian (i.e. The George Redman Linear Park) project missing from the list? I’ve sent some followup correspondence and I’ll let everyone know what, if anything, I hear back.
RIDOT only provides top level values for the larger project. I’d be really curious to see a breakdown, so we can all see what percentage is being used on auto vs. non-auto inititives. My guess is they don’t break down the numbers, so people can’t easily see how large a percentage of the money is going towards auto infrastructure!