The town of Barrington received a $226,000 grant as part of the RI Safe Routes to Schools Program. According to an article on,
The money is intended to address a number of problem areas around Hampden Meadows School, including vehicles traveling at excessive speeds, drivers not yielding to pedestrians, a lack of crosswalks, inconsistent sidewalks, inadequate bike facilities, and poor pedestrian and bicycle signage.
Some of the grant money is being used to fund extra police traffic patrols in the Hampden Meadows School area.
“We issued a lot of warnings and a few tickets,” Chief LaCross said. “We’ve been out there monitoring the speed on New Meadow and Kent Street.”
Which begs the question, why don’t they issue a LOT of tickets? I’d love to hear from somebody in law enforcement as to why they don’t issue more speeding tickets. What’s the downside? I would think the technology has reached a mature enough state where it’s pretty cut and dry when a car is speeding. They take the time to pull someone over to issue a warning, why not write the ticket? I honestly think hitting people in their pocketbooks is the only way we are going to get speeding under control in this state.