From Barry Schiller off the advocacy list:
Reminder that on Thursday, June 26 at 1pm and at 6:30pm in Room 300 of DEM (off Promenade St just west of I-95 in Providence) there are public hearings on both the 4-year Transporation Impriovement program (TIP) and the long-term Transportation 2030 plan. I hope some wil speak for both the bike paths and for on-road bicycling.
My take on the draft is that it puts most of the bike program (except for Congressional earmarks that cannot be used for anything else) on hold. Thus finishing the Blackstone, and bike paths/routes in Tiverton, Cranston, Jamestown, North Smithfield, Charlestown, Warwick and East Greenwich are all put off for the indefinite future after 2012. Once the earmarks are finished and Providence finally does the share-the-road signing and some striping, there will be no (Federally supported) bike program scheduled.