James Kennedy from Transport Providence passes along this information about a bike ride scheduled for Sunday October 27th @ 2PM.
The Providence Pretzel Ride, co-sponsored by GRIN Gallery, Foremost Bakery, Fertile Underground Coop, People’s Power & Light green electricity, and Transport Providence, will offer a free, family-friendly opportunity for people to costume-up for some Halloween fun, while building a positive bike culture in our city. And, you know, eat pretzels. It’s mostly about eating pretzels, actually. . .
October 27th, 2 PM, starting at GRIN Gallery (60 Valley Street, Olneyville), and traversing the West Side, Downcity, Brown campus, and back to the Eagle Square site of Foremost Bakery. Approximately 5 miles.
The exact length (in time) of the ride is to be determined by the level of speed the group chooses. We intend to keep things at a pace that’s comfortable for new riders, if necessary.
No registration fee. All ages are welcome. Helmets required. Costumes encouraged.
Contact James Kennedy (five zero eight – 353 9735) or Rachel Playe (five zero eight – 981 3436) for more information.